Race Relations during the Reagan Years

Ronald Reagan’s America presented African Americans with a series of contradictions. Black Americans achieved significant advances in politics, culture, and socioeconomic status. Indeed, income for

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Technology in the 1980s

Note that this discussion centers on the development of the desk-top individual computer (“PCs”), as compared to large, sophisticated “mainframe” computers used by industry. The

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Summary of the Reagan Years

Ronald Reagan left office in 1988 with the Cold War waning and the economy booming. Unemployment had dipped to 5 percent by 1988. Between 1981

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1988 Presidential Election

Reagan and the Republicans dominated the national political scene during most of the 1980s; however, he could not run for another term in 1988. The

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Sources for 1980s

What follows is a list of some of the literature used generally as resources for the topics in this section of the Songbook. Other citations

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