The 1944 Warsaw Uprising

The 1944 Warsaw Uprising (not to be confused with the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising when the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto tried to overthrow their

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Inter-war Isolationism

Disillusion with the country’s involvement in World War I characterized the national mood in the years between the wars. “World War I left a determination

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The Rise of Italian Fascism

In Italy, Benito Mussolini, known as “El Duce” or “the leader,” was installing a Fascist system similar to the Nazis in Germany. His political party

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The Spanish Civil War

In April 1931, the Spanish people elected a republican legislature that replaced the monarchy that had ruled the country for centuries. This event led to

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The Start of World War Two

On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland using a new military tactic called Blitzkrieg or “lightening war,” which was characterized by fast-moving columns of motorized

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Given the shifting winds of international affairs, Congress reversed course somewhat and passed the Neutrality Act of 1939. This legislation permitted “all aid to the

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Pearl Harbor

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the “date which will live forever in infamy,” destroyed about 200 American planes in two

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