The Battle of Britain

The London Blitz occurred from September 1940 through May 1941 when massive amounts of German bombers attacked the London area. The Blitz started in earnest

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Russian Campaign Summer 1942

After the winter hiatus, Hitler’s generals wanted to focus their attack on Moscow again; however, Hitler decided that his forces would launch a full-scale offensive

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The Battle of the Bulge

The Allies had greatly weakened the Luftwaffe and dominated the skies over Europe in the later part of 1944 and 1945. Hitler decided to make

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The Holocaust

The Nazis did not wait until the war to start their program of persecution of hated groups; nor did they limit that persecution to the

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The Nuremberg Trials

In late 1945 and 1946 (and through 1949), post-war justice was in the news due to the Nuremberg Trials, a series of two sets of

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