
In the early twentieth century, W.E. B. Du Bois wrote a book entitled The Souls of Black Folks in which he analyzed the Black traditions

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The Jim Crow Experience

The Civil War had been fought and won; the 13th amendment (abolishing slavery), the 14th amendment (Negro citizenship and equal protection of the laws) and

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The Jim Crow mentality was not only discriminatory, it was also hateful and violent. The Ku Klux Klan was established in the Reconstruction South. But,

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The Scottsboro Boys

Because industry needed workers to produce material for the fighting effort, World War I brought about mass movement of blacks out of the South to

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Racial Equality Organizations

In an effort to combat the forces of racial prejudice and hate, W.E.B. Du Bois and others founded the National Association for the Advancement of

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The Lunch Counter Sit-ins

“Out of the pressure and needs involved in maintaining group unity while working under intense pressure and physical hostility, the Sit-In Movement developed its culture.

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The Freedom Riders

In May 1961, a group of 13 young people (seven black and six white) sponsored by CORE and modeled after the 1947 CORE “Journey of

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