Race Relations during the Reagan Years
Ronald Reagan’s America presented African Americans with a series of contradictions. Black Americans achieved significant advances in politics, culture, and socioeconomic status. Indeed, income for
Ronald Reagan’s America presented African Americans with a series of contradictions. Black Americans achieved significant advances in politics, culture, and socioeconomic status. Indeed, income for
Note that this discussion centers on the development of the desk-top individual computer (“PCs”), as compared to large, sophisticated “mainframe” computers used by industry. The
Ronald Reagan left office in 1988 with the Cold War waning and the economy booming. Unemployment had dipped to 5 percent by 1988. Between 1981
Reagan and the Republicans dominated the national political scene during most of the 1980s; however, he could not run for another term in 1988. The
What follows is a list of some of the literature used generally as resources for the topics in this section of the Songbook. Other citations
Another Day in Paradise – Phil Collins The Ballad of Jim and Tammy (to the tune of Harper Valley PTA) – Tammy Faye Bakker w/Tom
The Fifties: A Society in Transition: Cultural Change Battles Conformity History is studied topically, but topics do not cleanly divide themselves into neat and tidy,
Truman decided not to seek the presidency in 1952. Given the passage of the Twenty-Second Amendment to the Constitution that limited a presidential candidate to
In the presidential election of 1956, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard M. Nixon defeated Democratic former Governor Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois and
In the 1960 Presidential election, Richard Nixon’s position as two-time Vice-President for Eisenhower led him to be largely unopposed among the Republicans. However, on the
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