Presidential Press Conferences

As indicated, television seemed in the 1950s to have taken over the press conference, a venerable institution whose very name reflected the extent to which

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Kennedy-Nixon debates

John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon, the Democratic and Republican nominees for President in 1960, respectively, engaged in a series of four nationally televised

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Criticism of 1950s Television

During the 1940s, there were only a few television receivers in American homes. Some called television an invention for stupid people to watch. By the

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Polio and The Salk Vaccine

Pop singers Judy Collins, Neil Young (age 5), Donovan, and Joni Mitchell (age 9) had polio in the early 1950s. (McKay, p. 344.) As a

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Hollywood – Heroes or Hoods

Actors Marlon Brando and James Dean were the quintessential rebels idolized by the teenagers of the Fifties. While the 1950s silver screen lit up mostly

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West Side Story

The teenage rebel scene was not limited to the Hollywood screen. Street gang hoods were also in the spotlight on the Broadway stage. West Side

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