
Prior to 1920, America had no professional radio broadcasting. All that was available was crystal radios- simple homemade radios with a lot of static. Around

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Art Deco

Art Deco was the style of design and architecture that marked the era. Originating in Europe, it spread to North America in the mid-1920s and

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Reaction to all the Cultural Change

Traditional society pushed back against the dramatic changes underway in The Twenties. None of the reactionary movements was more troublesome than the rebirth of the

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Speakeasies and Gangsterism

Speakeasies represent the classic image of The Roaring Twenties and Prohibition – people having fun breaking the law. Some were dives, located in run down

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Jazz was the Sound of the Speakeasies

“Jazz signified revolt against sweet-tempered parlor music and polite entertainment, and defiance against Prohibition and Puritanism of all kinds.” (Streissguth, p. 116) “The true spirit

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