NBA/NCAA Basketball

In 1937, the National Basketball League (NBL) was created by three corporations: General Electric, Firestone and Goodyear. Most of the teams in the league played

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The first TV hockey broadcasts occurred in the late 1940s in New York and Detroit. At the time, CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) was the only

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Kefauver Hearings (1950-51)

The United States Senate conducted hearings in 1951 by Senator Estes Kefauver’s Crime Investigating Committee. The Kefauver Committee held hearings in 14 major cities, such

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Nixon’s “Checkers” Speech

Richard Nixon was a Republican member of the House of Representatives since the mid-1940s. General Eisenhower, the 1952 Republican nominee for the presidency, picked Nixon

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McCarthy-Army Hearings

In 1953, McCarthy began inquiries into the United States Army for suspected Communist infiltration of the Army Signal Corps laboratory at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.

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MacArthur’s Triumphant Return

President Truman and General MacArthur got into a dispute regarding how to conduct the Korean War. Truman was the Commander-in-Chief over the armed forces and

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Presidential Nominating Conventions

In 1948, the major television networks televised both the Democratic and Republican presidential conventions on the few television stations on the air. Both political parties

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